Published 11 May 2021

Ear, nose and throat

National Quality Registers for ear, nose and throat

Registry category: Diseases of the ears, nose and mouth

Certification level: 3

Central personal data controller (CPUA): Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset

Ear, nose and throat care (OtoRhinoLaryngology) includes both surgical and medical interventions, large and small volumes, various ages, and outpatient and inpatient care. The registry reflects the diversified areas of the specialty – everything from the process of auditory rehabilitation to symptom relief through tonsil surgery.

The quality registry registers nine important processes for the patient, which in many cases are cost-driving volume measures. Key indicators registered include diagnostic and therapeutic measures, patient benefit and interventions for the rehabilitation of chronic conditions.

The aim of the quality registry is to, through data collection and analysis, contribute to operational development, improved patient safety and better conditions for equitable care throughout the country. The methods for this vary between the different sub-registries.

Contact information

Find contact information on the registry’s website.

National Quality Registers for ear, nose and throat


  • Ulrika Forsberg