Published 11 May 2021

Urinary bladder cancer

National Quality Registry of Urinary Bladder Cancer

Registry category: Cancer diseases

Certification level: 1

Central personal data controller (CPUA): Region Östergötland

In Sweden urinary bladder cancer is the second most common form of urological tumour with approximately 3 000 new cases annually.

The objectives of the Swedish National Registry of Urinary Bladder Cancer (SNRUBC) are to:

  • identify and quantify the use of examination and treatment procedures in the country and perform comparisons between regions and hospitals
  • lay the foundation for long-term rational improvement measures
  • continuously register lead times from referral to consultation to transurethral surgery to more extensive curative treatment and report these lead times to the involved parties and to the general public
  • via follow up record development of the condition after primary treatment with first recurrence, progress and death in tumour disease.

Note: Variable lists are updated on a regular basis and should therefore be seen as preliminary. For the latest version, please contact the registry.

Contact information

Find contact information on the registry’s website.

National Quality Registry of Urinary Bladder Cancer


  • Ulrika Forsberg